Campus Newsの最新版が届きました
「昨年度版に引き続き、今年のKU Campus Newsもオンラインでの活動をメインに、魅力あふれる記事を作成することができました。今回は、ショーン・バーゴイン先生のゼミ生と合同で記事の執筆に励みました。
Campus Newsを通じて、今後もさらに高知大学での学生生活に興味を持ってもらえれば、そしてまた、このCampus Newsが、同じ状況下にいる多くの学生の励みになれば嬉しいです。」
“Read all about it!
Kochi University students from the International Studies Course (Lingley Seminar and Burgoine Seminar) are proud to announce the publication of Volume 19 of the KU Campus News has been published. For this issue of the KU Campus News, English students from two seminars worked together and we think the outcome is great – a wider variety of stories than usual! This issue has stories about students taking time away from the KU studies, the internship experience, and two teacher profiles, and many others. We also highlight the work of students involved in community programs such as Dagashi Fika, organic agricultural endeavours, and the sports gomi festival. We are especially proud to profile the inspirational activities of four sempai students in our center pages.
Please find a free copy around campus and read our stories!
We also post an electronic PDF version of the KU Campus News on the International Studies Course website. Have a look here: http://jinbun.cc.kochi-u.ac.jp/international/deliverables/campus-news.php “
