

Campus Newsの最新版をお届けします

遅くなりましたが、Campus News(Vol.20)をお届けします。


「2022年度のキャンパスニュースでは、コロナとの共生に焦点を当て、コロナ禍がおさまらない状況下でもそれに負けないほど活動的に取り組む学生たちを特集しています。表紙の「黒潮祭」をはじめとし、「対面授業の再開」や「留学生の紹介」、「特定のフィールドで活躍している学生の紹介」など、幅広い分野にわたった取り組みを取り上げました。コロナ禍の収束の見通しが未だ立っていない中で、様々なことに取り組んでいる学生たちがたくさんいます。本号が、コロナ禍に悩む読者の新たな挑戦の励みになれば幸いです。」(K. Hosokawa)


「Our International Studies Course students are proud to announce the publication of Volume 20 of the KU Campus News has been published. For this anniversary issue, 8 English majors worked together independently to produce an excellent KU Campus Newsedition with several great stories. This issue has inspirational stories about students from a range of KU faculties including Kochi Medical School, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Science and, of course, our own Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The front-page story celebrates a symbolic return to normal campus life with the re-start of the Kusoshio Festival after three years. We also share several amazing stories about the rewarding volunteer projects that are so important to our students. In our center pages, we proudly profile several of the international students who are now able to study with us again in Kochi. We are also pleased to cover the stories of our KU students who are now finally able to take part in international exchanges and activities abroad. Bravo!!

Please find a free copy around campus and read our stories – this is an issue not to be missed!」(Darren Lingley)


KU Campus News vol.20(2023年3月発行)



