国際社会コース International Studies Course

学べる科目 | 言語のしくみ、日米異文化間コミュニケーション論、英語オーラルコミュニケーション、英語音声学、第二言語習得論、外国語としての日本語演習 |
The study of Intercultural Communication (ICC) is foundational in any language program because of culture’s strong influence on language use and communication style. ICC prepares language learners to develop a critical awareness of how their own communicative patterns influence communication with people from other cultures. ICC is an interdisciplinary field, drawing from anthropology, linguistics, psychology, and communication studies - all of which are important for language learners. Study of content themes such as intercultural pragmatics, nonverbal communication, language use in context, and analysis of communicative culture help to situate culture as an important ‘fifth skill’.
The main theme of this seminar is language in use. Working with authentic spoken and written English texts, there is a dual focus on language (four skills) and content (Intercultural Communication). It’s a great chance to study challenging content in an English environment.